Nothing to share today...picturewise or scrapwise... I was working on a new workshop yesterday when I rubbed a splinter in my eye... That hurts!!!! It sure loved my eye because it didn't want to come out!!
The neighbour was kind enough to drive me to the docter. She told me not to be scared but (!@#!*) she was going to turn my eyelid inside out! Yikes, forget the eye, I nearly suffered a heart attaque right there..
It wasn't that bad and she sedaded (is that the word?) my eye which felt really good! I spend the night in a darkroom with my eye closed!
Now I can see but the eye is still very irritated (so is the rest of my personality)
Earlier this week I put a crafters knife in my finger... They say bad things come in three, so I'm wondering what the third scrapping injury will be.... Please let it be a papercut! (lol)